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老牌图软 IrfanView 4.35:一点不比AcdSee差

2012/11/9 15:23:28 来源:IT之家 作者:HaLu 责编:黄幻凌

IrfanView 是一款运行速度快、小巧、功能强大的免费(限非商业用途)图像查看程序。IrfanView小巧给力从来不比AcdSee差,支持的格式很多,图像音频视频都能吃,也支持幻灯播放、批量转换格式、批量重命名、JPG 无损旋转,支持拖放操作;亦具有调整图像大小、调整颜色深度、添加覆盖文字、特效(内置)处理等图像编辑功能,3.85 和之后的版本已能支持使用 Adobe Photoshop 的滤镜(8BF 格式);还可以制作 HTML 格式的缩略图目录、创建自播放幻灯显示(EXE 或 SCR),是图像爱好者必备的袖珍精品。

IrfanView 4.35 更新内容:

- New Add Text dialog features: No selection needed, Preview, Effects etc.
- Option to save profiles (Add-Text, JPG-Save and Color Correction dialog)
- New capture dialog option: Capture fixed screen rectangle; Stop timer
- New transparency save option: Use main window color (GIF, PNG, ICO)
- New file handling option: Remove sidecar files (Properties->File Handling)
- New options in Watermark dialog: Preview, Click to preview
- New folder browsing options in: Properties->Browsing (stop on folder end)
- The EXIF-Thumbnail will be updated during saving as JPG
- New (Freeware) PlugIn for DXF format - thanks to BabaCAD-Software guys!
- New RAW format options in Properties->PlugIns
- New menu: View->Multipage images->Auto show page thumbnails dialog
- New print option for multipage images: Print specific pages
- Option to Set selection rectangle color (Properties->Editing)
- Context menu for video player (Copy frame, change volume)
- New display menu option: Apply Sharpen after Resample
- New button in Batch dialog: Save filenames as TXT file
- New Thumbnail menus: Start Multipage TIF/PDF dialog with selected files
- Thumbnails folder tree: CTRL + click = Load thumbs from all subfolders
- New option for FLV files: Play in main window (Properties->Video)
- New options in Batch rename dialog (create duplicate files)
- Option to save custom dimensions in Resize and Custom-Selection dialog
- Updated TIF loader
- Updated DJVU PlugIn, thanks to guys from Caminova!
- Command line: wildcards support for /multitif and /panorama (see i_options.txt)
- Command line switch for /info: /shortinfo (write just file index and name)
- Command line option for EXE Slideshow: /clearmonitors (clear other monitors)
- Command line option "/append" can be now also used with "/scan"
- New placeholder: $Q (get "correct" file extension, if possible)
- New placeholder: $P (print size, from image->info dialog)
- New fullscreen/slideshow hotkey: C = center image, On/Off
- F8 key now allowed in slideshow mode: copy current file
- Some TIF/GIF/CLP loading bugs fixed (thanks to Codenomicon Fuzz-o-Matic guys!)
- PCX/XCF/ECW loading bug fixed (reported by FuzzMyApp, thanks!)
- FPX/RLE/TTF/DJVU bug fixed (by Francis Provencher via Secunia SVCRP, thanks!)
- JLS (CharLS) loading bug fixed (reported by Joseph Sheridan, thanks!)
- PIC format removed (Softimage PICT, loading bugs)
- NLM format removed (Nokia LogoManager formats, loading bugs)
- Several PlugIns are changed/updated, please install the newest versions:
  Download from: http://www.irfanview.com/plugins.htm

支持运行环境:Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8

IrfanView 4.35 安装版 下载:


IrfanView ALL plugins 4.35 官方下载:

(9.9MB)(具体查看:IrfanView PlugIns 4.33:IrfanView 超强插件包

IrfanView 中文包 下载:

(73KB)(解压以后放进IrfanView安装目录下的Languages,然后运行IrfanView后,点击【Options】菜单,第二个【Change Language】即可)

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