IT之家 3 月 7 日消息,英特尔投资者关系副总裁约翰・皮策(John Pitzer)昨日在摩根士丹利科技会议上透露,公司将继续保持约 30% 的晶圆制造依赖外部合作伙伴,主要外包给台积电。
他表示,台积电是“优质供应商”,其参与为英特尔代工业务(Intel Foundry)创造了良性竞争环境;英特尔正在考虑 15-20% 的长期晶圆外包目标。IT之家翻译如下:
摩根士丹利半导体行业分析师 Joe Moore 问:
在经历 CEO 更迭和每日涌现转型新闻的背景下,财报电话会议中提及的战略方向似乎与帕特时代保持一致。能否从战略层面解读英特尔当前动向?
约翰・皮策(John Pitzer)答:
说的好,我们的核心战略仍是打造世界级无晶圆厂企业与世界级代工厂。英特尔临时 CEO Dave Zinsner 和 Michelle Johnston Holthaus 被授予充分决策权以推进战略执行。
从产品竞争力的角度来看,若英特尔产品业务达不到健康标准,代工业务也很难实现独立发展。Michelle 在制定产品路线图和长期市场份额战略方面拥有更大自主权,其最新决策体现为延长台积电代工合作周期。
目前我们约 30% 晶圆产能都是外包,这可能已经是外包比例峰值。相比一年前力求归零的战略,当前调整为长期维持部分外包。台积电作为优质供应商,能与英特尔代工部门形成良性竞争。我们正在评估 15%-20% 的外包比例区间,并继续在新战略下使用外部代工资源。
Yes. I mean, it's a good question. I think the core of the strategy continues to be standing up a world-class fabless company and a world-class foundry. I think on the margin, as you think about Dave and Michelle in the interim CEO roles, they have been given full agency to go off and prosecute the strategy, I think on the margin. I think from an Intel products perspective, I think there's a strong understanding that without that being healthy first. It's really hard to have a healthy Intel foundry.So, I do think Michelle has been given a bit more agency to go off and make decisions around what she thinks is best for the product road map and for longer-term market share there. And I think the biggest sort of manifestation of that today is she probably has more agency to use TSMC longer and for more than she might have had six or nine months ago. And to be clear, we have roughly 30% of our wafers outsourced today. That is probably a high watermark for us.But to the extent that I think a year ago, we were talking about trying to get that to zero as quickly as possible. That's no longer the strategy. We think it's always good to have at least some of our wafers with TSMC. They're a great supplier. It creates a good competition between them and Intel Foundry. Not quite sure what the right sort of level set is. Is it 20? Is it 15? We're working through that. But we will use, I think, external foundry suppliers longer kind of under this new strategy.